4th Review of New Publishing Venture: 3rd Book in offered Serialization


Cephalos’ ascendancy to his foremost royal capacities

Setting precedence as himself just as his successors a would follow upon him, Cephalos son-of-Deion, was an only son. They, like he, would accede to high princedoms by their nineteenth years of age, although his great great grandson. Telemachus son-of-Odysseus carried his title as though the heir apparent of a father deemed lost to the world and virtually dead. Such a record of ascendancies is as peculiar and it’s astonishing, and the acclaim each high prince must have attained had to have made each dynast in turn a most desirable ally to have, given the oppression of imperial Crete which began when Cephalos was eleven years old, and how long the span of Cephalids from 1368 BC to the well past the end of the Era of Helen, which closed out the 13th century BC as its aftermath to the Trojan War.

Hemera the Midday Titaness, daughter-of-Theia Blue Sky & Hyperion

Before The Third Book of the e-Book Trilogy at Offering.

The youngest of his royal generation of Kekropids, all of whom the Second Book has described at least adequately, he was to prove the most prodigious of all of them, including his uncle-Pandion a last High Chief to rule over the Atticans of the Saronic Gulf. He masterminded the Second Restoration of the Kekropids to avenge his own, a First Restoration by itself in retribution for the his Father Kekrops’ usurpation by three great uncles of the House of Erechtheus. To review briefly, accordingly, know that he raised his stepson by his beloved wife Pylia to Regent Custodian, while also establishing three vice-regents composed of the natural sons they had conceived together. While affording his sons such generous apportionments by the renewed House of Erechtheus, obliged all of them to the protection of his much younger sister Herse, rendering Sanctuary Eleusis and the very spacious Thriasian Plain of the inland MesoGaia an Attican protectorate.

The Third Book makes immediately very plain that due regard — and heed ! — was put paid to any son of Herse and to her valiant consort warrior Deion. Born in 1389 BC to Herse aged  sixteen years old, Cephalos was ranked a prince of Attica by his birth entitlement of much the same status, as the Ward of Eleusis. Anticipating that he would excel from his  ninth year of age onward, uncle Pandion supported his any opportunity to exceed his own sons except as a claimant upon the dynasty of the House of Erechtheus. While ruled by its branch royal family of Kekropids and exalted for living in the home realms of their wives, there was serious forbiddence of Cephalos at pursuit of highest royal ambition as an Attican. Pandion was judicious that he sought Cephalos for all the Saronic Gulf Rime powers, including his Upper isthmus where he lived within a north end precursor to Megaris, the Alkathoos of Pylia, a foremost governess. Mind you scholars all, that mother Herse was both a high priestess of Eleusis by a mother Metiadusa, whose pedigree had greatly exceeded her husband Kekrops’. Herse had Attican nativity herself as a princess born in Attica. She parlayed such exaltation as most influential of Aigeus her first cousin, and of Medeia later, when she became his mistress, wife and queen consort. Because Herse was blood royal by Kekrops “as born of the soil,” autochthonous, so was her brother Pandion for reigning over Attica when she was conceived by her parents.

Cephalos would never chafe  over any forbiddance of himself from a due succession to Attica. Instead he grew prodigiously via four distinct capacities, the earliest wrought as child Steward of Eleusis, overe the Thriasian Plain plantations; as Developer and Constructor of Ports and Harbors while still a boy; as Navarch over a war navy before he was twenty years old; Becoming a Freedom Fighter against imperial Minoa, he became High Prince Consort to his second wife Prokris, whose own royalty and sacral majesty came by her own hallowed rights and claims, as the sole living, and sadly the last, heiress to the Aglaurid Dynasty, by the House of Erechtheus’ retention of a venerable matriarchate. For it once ruled the Lower peninsula of Attica, the renown Aktika known for a legendary royal lineage. [ It was never a patriarchate as the Ancient Greeks would deem it.]

Cephalos had four first cousins, princes either regent or vice-regent, one of whom, Pallas sired many second cousins who were close to Cephalos in age as they grew altogether to princes of Attica. They did everything they could to exalt Cephalos properly as he attained his meritorious  capacities. There was no place for spite or envy in of those relations. Rather, they made themselves rich derivatively, awhile his rapid ascendancies also accomplished invaluable services to their brother King Atreus. By future books we’ll know how well he befriended and assisted Queen Consort Medeia and the royal son Prince Medeios (b. 1370 BC), over the three years subsequent to his return from Magnesia. The only umbrage ever expressed towards him was real enough, nonetheless, since he too greatly exceeded the senior ministers of royal court. By 1373, Cephalos’ services to Aigeus had resulted in their displacements or demotions, despite so many of them were boon friends of Aigeus. Such removals from highest royal offices, thouigh, could not be helped. Medeia was insistent that he become highest on merits, while his mother Herse sought to snuff any outrage felt by so many otherwise worthy men and their wives throughout Attica. The queen and the mother, however, could not overcome the constant grievances that so pestered cousin Aigeus, until even he no longer would tolerate so many whiners relishing  self-pity over their quite deserved falls of status. Herse had finally had to resort to an arranged humble sea service for Cephalos, by putting him aboard a Cretan warship as a Master-by-Warrent ( as best translatable from the earliest Greek). He served, and became greatly befriended of an excellent skipper over a popularly served war galley; the good fellow, moreover, was the brother of a highly ennobled and richly endowed priestess, his greatly beloved sister, a Cretan. She had taken holy orders under Herse by a lifetime sworn commitment to the tutelaries Demeter, the Goddess Measurer, and to the Corn Maiden, the Goddess of Tilth & husbandry whom would later be called, popularly instead, Persephone. By highest idiom drawn from the south mainland Argives, the name professed her their Goddess “the Destroyer of Winter Blights.”

Herse’s sly and insinuated attempt to efface Cephalos fron further popularity  did not work out. During the second of his two fair voyaging seasons aboard the Cretan war galley, he persuaded his Skjipper that their warship be allowed to compete in the 1373 Imperial Minoan Naval Games. Conducted by the greatly aged Minos Lykastos of Crete, his arranged competitions as first conducted were land games of athleticism, and reserved solely for the Cretans of highest command ranks at contests solely between themselves. The friendly Skipper proved himself a poor landsman athlete, alas, almost to shaming of his crew who were otherwise so delighted with his command. Cephalos had tuned the popular warship and its crew to overcome any exhausting ordeal of the Regatta, in particular the Long Race that must run from Ogygia (Delos) Isle) down to Amnissos Portside of Crete Island and therefore back up again to Ogygia. Especially calm weather of midsummer abetted all crews at rowing their ships demasted and by oars alone. Notwithstanding that all shared the hard ordeal of endurance, the test of the race was from below the Mid Sea Isles (The Ancient Greeks’ Cyclades Isles), whereupon an especially long leg of seaway down to Amnissos. It proved a race course under high rolling seas most mornings until midday, and under strong zephyrs (west winds) until late afternoons. Nighttimes became becalmed sea. Under such water and wind conditions, without or withal them, that is, Cephalos calm influence upon the crews of Oarage and those of Sailing Master, brought out their best conditioning throughout long days. Cephalos earned his Skipper umbrage from his fellow officers at commands of other fast warships, especially after his vessel gained long lead over all opposition except for ships of fellow feudatories to Crete. Some of them showed excellent competitiveness, much to the admiration  of the Minos Lykastos at oversseing the conduct of his regatta. Cephalos rotated his oar benches admirably, building team esprit, as they handled their sweep oars under varying great exertions. As they rounded the Long Turn offshore Amnissos to take on strong facing seas of long rolling swells, his Skipper Erigeron became the pride of the Minoan navies as so far to lead. But Cephalos lightened the warship considerable, and that drew attention to their war vessel as somehow very special, but also very offensive for wanting “to win too large and greatly.”. As the two men of high command regained the sea miles back and returning to Ogygia, their vessel showed every day to lose margin at lead at night, thereby resting the oarsmen and affording good sleep to able sailers. Accordingy, the vessel used all open daytime to persevere through high swells oncoming and headwinds to match. As winds abated throughout evening twilight, the warship had sprung far out to lead. Until a late afternoon showed the vessel all alone at approach to the Finish, no Minoan ship anywhere near until the dusk that descended over the spectators led by the Minos Lykastos. That won Skipper Erigeron an enemy, and Cephalos won a lifetime of implacable enmity from the prince-Minotaur of Crete, the future King Minos II of Classical Greek Mythology. His ships had trailed far behind, and he himself had had to cross the finish line as illuminated by floating firelights.

Herse became terrified over Cephalos’ notoriety. She hastened best plans to have Cephalos move out of sight of all his young following and supporters everywhere of the Saronic Gulf, His mother fetched up for Cephalos the opportunity to win himself a young consortship to a princess and young ward of the ignominious realm of Haemonia. He must hasten off north via the Abantis Strait to port Iolkos at the ehad of Pagasai Bay of Magnesia. Herse made sure that preparation would be made by that prospective bride’s foremost guardian, the young and recently acceded King of Orchomenos. the capital realm over the Lake Midlands which composed many petty royal, or cattle kingships laying east towards Mount Parnassos at overlook of Phokis. He agreed to afford Cephalos all the advantages he would need to compensate for his contending adversaries, who were supposed the best young warrors nurtured by the Minyan and Aeolian equestrian high peerages of Aiakos Great Kingdom.

Which readiness, of course, also readies us for the e-Book serialization’s finality as  its Third Book at offering…..

The North Mainland Recomposed but not yet at Peace within:

The 15th century BC had in most part of its decades belonged to the Minyans at incursions that had displaced many prominent ethnicities by century’s end. The equestrian conditioning of the  warrior people was to fearlessness and disrespect of any settled people who could not defy them. In particular, the low country interchangeable as coastal hilly overlooks upon the Strait of Abantis had become especially subjugated, despite that the petty royal matriarchates were capable of burgeoning prosperity and immense commentment instilled their tenanted low orders. They did not abide any peasantries, and their taken consorts soon learned to respect all underlings to their might less they have to do the husbandry and tilth cultivation themselves. For then they immediately fulfilled their in competence, as Aiakos was quick to suspect and taken advantage of through hs adeptness, always adroit, at consolidating his Strategoi’s strategic conquests.

That was his mastery supreme, to knit a manhood of warriors into agrarian zones where conquerors soon learned how to acquiesce to co-regent regimes of their subdued wives as soon at par with their might of assertion. The famous Joseph Alsop is credited with the scholarship that explains how conquered women soon subdued their aggressive husbands through various hard caveats that civilized all men at par with themselves. And yet Aiakos was never able to actually restore sovereign women to their prior places of comforting sovereignty and deft administration of heirarchic agronomies of many manorial plantation tenancies and village hamlet collectives. I think very personally that the women themselves knew themselves beaten and unlikely to prevail at lead of coordination of their subjects. Better that the men rank their warrior mettle by hard practice and best recruitment from premature manly and strongmen from the rustic socieities of farming compound sprawls and specialty hamlets employed for skills and proficiencies that were shared out. Women had always had leading tenants as hegemons, or drivers of the labors in accordance with their degrees of greatly applied bodily strength, while other work leaders of that designation mastered the supervision of skilled artisan collectives. Cephalos was immediately in his element as a hegemon  but he first had to get by the men proud in strength and ferocity to gain a whipping hand over them. By demonstration of which, moreover, the yeomanry of hamlets and the field superintendents over large and diverse scaled agronomy soon respected how a new peace could come among all on account of the supreme aegis that Great King Aiakos was naturally enabled to practice consummately well. For there was no peasantry per se; that term for abject lowliness and sparse liberty needed contexts of field layouts cultivated by large labor corvees, awhile broadspread pasturages of rotating livestock herd at grazing. Agriculture  and husband at grand scale  engendered peasantries, but the concomitant productivity remained very low attained while under bully oppression.

Or, that is, such as the Minyans practiced upon their conquered peoples through their toady “priests militant,” and other most bully classes of oppressors. Such ilks of appointed statures could not help become detested during the spans of any first generation conquests. Alternatively said, high sisterhoods of priestesses maintained the prior dignity by affording their conquered subjects their own, until they could convey to upstart consorts martial how highest secular mistresses must regain adequate upper hand before that first generation might breed a second. Just such demonstration  were ubiquitously ongoing  throughout the reconquests of Aiakos’ subjugated matriarchs.  But he his imperial reign was only in its first decade. The low country where mostly under female domination, of women of Aionia as aboriginally known to Cephalos. All denizens must be restored to their grace of popular self-dignity whether Kadmeians, eastern Atticans or pastoral Pelasgian herdlings.[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ from the Strait of Abantis’ southern approach of entry from the Bay of Myrtoa, all along its length of west shore shallows to  Iolkos deep inland accessibility into the High Plains of many north rivers and streams, they and the transhumant Lapiths ranched  lowland cattle drives or ranged highland sheep every summer a/o winter, insouciant while the grazing and facing down all bullies imposed upon them, mounted or not. Doing so soonest and fastest, they relieved their oppressions like the Atticans had undercut their hideous Metionid Regime after the usurpation of Pandion. Accordingly, Cephalos arrived the north strait’s Pagasai Bay and Iolkos knowledgeably, confidently plying oars to the head of becalmed waters enclosed by J-shaper jut. He and his boon friend Phereklos just behind him were entirely familiar with how Aiakos had worked his eastern coastline of docile ennobled matrons in order to pacify his coastal populaces of diverse ethnicities. High productivity by all restored agronomies, those young seamen knew, was the next challenge respective to their relocations northward and apart at their special geniuses. They were to create for Aiakos by paid dues to him by Aigeus a tracery of  landfalls out of small natural havens both sides of the Strait. They’d build them out inland for petty kings who would sponsor roadways and wagon traces unto far interior ethnicities of their realms. The once wholly displaced Lokrians upon the hilly west shore topography were the first to have such enables access to the sea without any undue mastery or harsh tithing by bully interlopers less seen the better.

This kind of sociological synthesis I have meticulously hypothesized into the recently restored Magnesia to where Cephalos and his ship arrived. Aiakos conquest of Magnesia was at  sufficient duration to permanently resettle matriarchal dominance of all meek and indigenous peoples. Companionable crones, matrons and maiden heiresses, ever revering of his hallowed mother Aegina, a former queen over Aionia, recomposed their next generation of matriarchates. However, he also married them off to the most stalwart consort home protectors that they would need to defy next incursions from the North Rim Aegean coastline demarcated by the Rhoidope Mountains of far future Thrakia (Thrace). Accordingly, Cephalos would have to cope with a new meld of downtrodden females once beaten down by Minyans and overly aggressive displaced Aeolians who had arisen anew above all hierarchies surviving the entire fifteenth century BC incursions. He also would have to cope with then in a hurry, while also taking time for his fittest conditioning to the trials-of-bridal.  A generous three months for hard training-at-arms bestowed to all consorts aspirant for the bride we’ll name Princess Phima, Cephalos knew himself novice at wields of specialty weapons, novice at mounted bareback horsemanship, and unfamiliar with battle bred mounts by the Minyan conditioning of entirely new and coordinated conformations.

[A pause here, however, to explain why Aiakos was so suddenly a Great King, and not as the Ancient Greeks postured him by Classical Greek Mythology. They sought to obfuscate the north mainland imperium even as they unabashedly respected their version of him as Aeacus (lat. grk.), founder and patriarch of the dynastic Peliades, who lived as Great Princes until a last Peleus who was the father of Lygeron, but most famously known as Achilles. Our Aiakos had his mother footed upon Oinope Isle of the Saronic Gulf, a governor posted upon Salamis Isle who became a dynasty known for King Telemon in the 14th century BC. He would earn high reputation for quashing the brash king-of-kings Theseus, the last of the Kekropids and a ruination of their dynasty by the House of Erechtheus on account of the premature death of Hippolytos in the late 1330s BC. Be assured, nevertheless the Ancient Greek contentions, that Aiakos dominated a north country that would compose anew to Boeotia, Phthiotis, Aeoleis and Minya before the Archaic Age of Greece ended in 500 BC. Moreover, that is the only reckoning of long ruling Aiakos, that he dominated without ever domineering so many Great Princes and highest appointed ministers in liege to him.]

Our Princess Phima is also a defiance of the supposed bride on offer, Klymene daughter-of-Minyas. The Ancient Greeks were loath to admit her unknown to themselves by any name else than “Illustriana,” which her Greek name means in English. Her father was utterly fictitious as the the eponym for the Minyans, who were mostly otherwise known, either as Ahhiyawans out of continental Europa which overlay Anatolia as the coastlines along the Propontis, the Bosporos and the Black Sea above Anatolia. Named after a love nest for the famously consummated consortship, Phima locates ashore Pagasai Bay where the Magnesians’ future queen bedded herself beneath Cephalos over picnics together.

Immediately, he found Iolkos a backwater port of no significance — (Jason did not originate from there) — but a place of a considerable and ready made hospitality extended to himself by the generosity of king Erigeron of Orchomenos, the foremost guardian of Phima while she was still in maiden captivity under her father Acastos and a wicked stepmother, Chryseus. Phereklos and he had already built seaside lodges for itinerant mariners off the Northern Sea and the Upper Strait of Abantis. It had stables for a loan of three champion horses of Minyan breed, by mounts of which he would ride up the High Pherai near Neolithic Age Sesklon, a capital seat of Magnesia at the lower edge of the High Kingdom of Minya. Iolkos had Mount Pelion lofting just inland of harbor landfalls, for its long skirt southward by a narrow ridge; it defined by enclosure Pagasai Bay by a somewhat jagged J-shaped coastline. Book Three describes Cephalos’ hard conditioning routines upon Mount Pelion and his daily exercises at varying skills of horsemanship preliminary to the dueling that would compose the trial-at-Horse. TheKing had kept his promises to Herse that her son would have every support of equipage and accouterment that might overcome his total lack of equestrian acculturation and the hard facts that he was the most foreign and by far the youngest of the consosrts aspirant to undergo the Trials-at-Bridal for the Princess.

It was a hospitality without any sociability. A greeting dinner was prepared for the constestants as the first audience that Phima must greet handsomely and copiously. Cephalos arrived late, just before her appearance, to find that no seat or place had been intended for him. While that  omission of social propieties was arrested just in time for Phima to parade in with her arm interlocked her uncle the King of Orchomenos, she was caused to become embarrassed when she passed Cephalos as finally seated among lowly equerries of the royal stables at nearby High Pherai. Brought to her attention, she embarrassed herself as seemingly shocked that “a boy” was one of her suitors at courtship and that he was so plainly attired despite his best dress as a merchant magnate of unknown foreign distinction. She had been rude; her uncle had to intercede an mollify the situation. But she had let loose at some abrasive quips and rude observations of his least manhood. Cephalos had held his ground well, however, and, besides he was announced in high audience as the only son of  Deion. Mosy every man who was a guest at the dining knew who his sire was — the forever famous martial-at-Light Foot that had led Aiakos’ forces of reconquest as far north as Lake Boebe of future Thessalia. At that location the Minyans had stood down in obeisance of surrender, an occasion of shame and humiliation that still smeared the faces of haughty Minyans who had witnessesd or participated the final campaign of reconquests.

While his training to both unfamiliar wields of weaponry and for dueling begun as mounted confrontation, Cephalos had to act all on his own, even by resort to enlistment of expertise. By befriending tactilely important and yet lowly  indigenes off the original inhabitants of Magnesia by the North Plains, the Peneios River Basin and the east flanking Magnesian Range he found abundant recourse; for they remained a totally humbled populace, even if glad to have a Princess who would grow to consolations by her majesty. They conditioned to balance and firmness of seat when mounted; they offered him practice and wield of weaponry; a suitor from Trachis became a boon friend; he learned how to run fast and silently after the practices set for him by Didimoi, a small people, who, howsoever diminutively, taught his utmost stamina of stride and apt adaptation to difficult terrains. It was not enough to make a champion-at-arms of him. He sought to draw out father Deion, and after delay and much frustration, he arrived to succor the son whose mother he’d been estranged from for lack of further paternity of children. To the last of the remaining training days, Deion was able to accomplish Cephalos as very fine student at dueling and at foremost wiled of many weapons besides Cephalos Levantine Axe. For that was his only expert wield, taught and practiced upon pirates and marauders under tutelage of Levantine master-at-arms who were among the denizen colonists of Salamis Island across Eleusis Sound.

I shall not dwell on Cephalos conduct at arms other than to say he proved savvy, modest when he had to be, and valiant and accomplished concomitant with other ordeals imposed upon him. The officialdom over the trials had been old men of minitries who were easily influenced to impose new rules while violating those supposed steadfast of enforcement. He generally did well, even at ordeals that brought to realization his greatly increased strength, which, until the trials, had been as yet unattained. His father taught him facilities of quick and smart moves against his clumsy opponents; again he did well. All aspects of contrived trials considered, he had been compelled to kill his Minyan opponents in the horse duels but what the Pony People the Didimoi had caused him to practice as reliable and yet utterly lethal defenses. He became exceedingly unpopular when exposed to Minyan audiences, even as they were competing among themselves for mostly hating each other. The progress of the trials led inevitable to a chariot race demanding least time to accomplish a long and twisting concourse of a single lane, while also achieving highest count of many targets hit by casts of spear and plucks of arrows trajecting against them. Whereas his opponents could enlist champions for the targeting while showing their own expertise at driving a chariot fast and smoothly on course, Cephalos lacked any driver to the handling of chariot reins in behalf of his challenge. The Didimoi Little people were denied to him as volunteers of insufficient caste. Royal equerries were frightened to volunteer at driving of cart less they become shunned by their fellowship of equestrian caste and militancy.

As Book Three amply describes of Phima, she was a youngest and most accomplished horse woman who practiced every day as assiduously as Cephalos had at the royal horse stables of High Pherai. During the trials attendant her courtship by thirteen rival consort aspirants she lad learned to hate Cephalos for what her own officialdom adjudged grossly unsportsmanlike conduct and vile offenses of good equestrian manners. Had she had to admit so, but never did, she had admired Cephalos for his good form and valiant appearances as set upon by adversaries at great odds in their favor to defeat him. But none of that could be surmised when Cephalos madea rare appearance at the royal court of Haemonia with request for an audience. As it happened that specific day, her stepmother Chryseis had shamed Phima for her utterly failed Trials-of-Bridal, especially to the fact that she could not win a decent suitor to court her. Every misconduct by the trials was smashed into her young face as the unworthiness. She consented to the audience as petitioned by her youngest suitor, but she was still crying her timid heart out over the insults of her stepmother. Worst of all to have to admit, her cherished uncle Erigeron had been denied to her for consolation, even as he had much and always good means to say how promising an ally of the Great Kingdom both he and his boon friend Phereklos promised to become on the basis of many evening spent at port together by missions of embassy to draw all of the Great Kingdom into compacts with the Atticans and the other Rim powers of the Saronic Gulf.

It all set up to gain newest great realizations of who was who had always had been so during the long sojourning of courtiers at adversarial daily accomplishment amopunting to five months of duration. The chariot concourse was the end of all that was planned and yet the beginning to what had to be revealed for best royal future of the future Princess of Magnesia. Cephalos cleverly plead his best case for her services to him as the driver of the chariot they’d share together. Affronted and already pained with insults of her insignificance, her suitor modestly professed his skills of chariotry nil without her to drive him through champion concourse for fast and smooth racing of carts. He told her the advantages of their consortship together by the mutual gain for both their realms and most promising futures, and yet he consoled her that should they not wed he would stand forth for her ultimate majesty as a mosty helpful ally who she never need meet every afterwards the Trials. Even more frightened to admit herself adequate, and yet solaced as finally addressed by an uncomplicated and totally honest suitor, she could not decline Cephalos as a champion of hopes for highest womanhood, he only the beginning of the many men to suit for her after the brief and lusty consortship as consummated together. Never forget, moreover, that many mythologists who forgot most of what Cephalos had ever been knew him reputed as by far the handsomest man of his generation of Hellenes.

They went out to the trial dressed well and practically for the feats demanded spearately of them both. He Uncle wepy openly for the daughter of his dearest sister passed, seeing in Phima all that she could be and her mother had been, respectively. She was lovely attired, all spectators warming to her readily despite the japing that even a princess did not qualify to drive a racing cart. But the horse on loan to Cephalos turned out to be her own possessions, even if brought to the finiest fitness for racing and dueling my many minds of expertise and single practice of a lone and greatly scorned suitor. The King of Orchomenos’s heart had fallen out of his chest once  he must greet afterwards the clocking of fastest time total trimphant at the racing by his niece; and all his his high spirits were brightened further by her utmost gladness so obvious, to have been elevated by both an only Uncle and most solitary personal champion to end a first day of many of great grandeur, all ultimately to consummation of her lustiness for a sporting man.

the acquittal of the brief consortship

Cephalos has always been a best man of royal court , where his liege sovereigns in presence had enabled him many assignations with older or most comely noblewomen whither and withal young and unified Attica. He had women early at adoration of him as novices and postulants of Eleusis Shrine. He was well practiced at knowing the best of  women had a right to insist that her any lover at assignation had to ready, able, portent at long upon the couch at pleasuring her. There could never be any shame that that any women might be pregnant on his account, for all Hellenes were of lusty temperaments to have children even if they were by accident or carelessness. Parents sent their daughters at very young ages to the royal court of Aigeus when he’d been a lonely regent custodian, but also too early a widower for loss of his frist most beloved wife and a widower against by as second exalted wife who had died too young as utterly barren to conceive a son and prince for him. Cephalos’ consortship with Phima had him far away and oblivious to the sudden marriage of Aigeus and Medeia that was going on so successfully without him over 1372, ’71 and ’70 BC. He had all that he could handle in the loving demands imposed upon him by a sporting lass fast becoming maiden then nymph-in-child by the mutual embracing of each other. The Third Book began with exposure of Phima as unwittingly an oversexed lass who shamed herself as a flirt and a tease and even a handler of young lads instruments of budding manhood. She ahd seemed doomed by her rampant hormones, at which her contemporaries had no mean to assuage except by brief exposures to festival sexual trysting or by what Herse had accommodated Phima’s uncle with. That was a handsome a virile young man who took his pleasures of females as soon as they wantred him, for much had been the errance of sworn celibacy by the young  postulants and fully initiated sisters of Eleusis Shrine and Sanctuary. The last despair of parents of headstrong lustu girls to early at practice of flirtations was to send them to Brauron Sanctuary upon East Bay Attica where also the protection of maiden heiresses from rude and wrongful unwanted marriages that might ruin forewver their lifetimes their healthy and yet too early dispositions for carnal requital(s).

As we’re going to be able to read and experience from a next posted review about the Third Book’s later contents, Cephalos was going to prove himself handily and bodily a Master Fixit for parents of daughters apt to wander along riversides wherefrom they returned home as maidens entranced by lust for being grabbed by rogue river gods on the prowl for victims wanton for gratuitous sex.