A New Publishing Release: Cephalos Ward of Eleusis, a 3rd Review of Offerings to NGM


That Cephalos was naturally congenial and outgoing personality, while a rare boy brought up by adoring parents and a greater royal House’s leading branch royal dunasty of the Kekropids. Comfortable at mixing well with the oldest of his royal generation whose ages were considerably older than his own, no wonder the duration of his coming-of-age from 1380 to 1360 BC proved sufficient to an an odd and closely defined ascendancy.  It made of him a foremost intermediary to well-defined strata that layered over him, and yet held also rendered to him their stewardships in return for  his fealty. He was able to fraternize awhile his formative years the middle hierarchy of the next royal generation of Royal Erechtheids. By sharing peacetime legacies by however his father Deions’ maritime and overland commerce enrich ed them, and awhile his mother Herse’s  experienced followings of  high sisterhoods resident  Eleusis, so, too, for new senior ministries instrumental to first cousin Aigeus at his earliest kingship, when a regent custodial high chjief and not yet fully King over all Atticans. Because Cephalos was born within Eleusis Sanctuary upon the Saronic Gulf shoreline of Gulf Attica, he enjoyed the company of mostly female children by the high sisters resident and matriculate there, commingling wsith himself the young and grown girls exemplifying  student novitiates at ages just a few years older than his own. Their matriculations to postulants they shared with him companionably, although their mnemonic and related capacities — to assimilate vast recitative audiogenic gifts of their teachers to memorize metrical recitals of epical lengths. Elders over whom mother Herse was their most gifted exemplar together established grown girls and barely nubile maiden postulants  into their holy orders, until earliest dedicated to  a lifetime of their imbued talents as oldest source communicants of an intensely mnemonic culture. We know, nevertheless, that he also compensated his young male colleagues and earliest commonfolk followings with his boyhood curiosity and easy absorption of practical talents and bents taught to denizens living the shoreline landfalls of Eleuisis Shrine under the tutelage of brilliant shipwrights of the Lelegan nation race. His grandmother Metiadusa and both his parents hosted that race and directed their communal values as a greatly felt honor to earn their fealties. Their older generational  adults and followings of high peerage kept themselves intimate with his progresses until his age fifteen, upon which birth year, 1374, he began immersive engagements and practical close rapports with most all families of prominence by their lowly communal governances and daily hardworking artisanal industries. Conducted  along the entire coastal rim of landfalls upon the Saronic Gulf, the new era equaled or exceeded any parallel advancements of  a south mainland, or Mycenaean Age.

All here said so far and so generally serves precis of his boyhood and first wholly practical preoccupations of adolescence. Like all boys he was mostly diligent student, but what he learned was teachings to boys older and presumed more ready at assimilation and mature application. Cephalos instead proved a prodigious student, but also one especially fortunate for exemplar instructors. Also, most tasks at taught, or howsoever taught, were consolidated through practical application almost as soon as lessons and their learning.

We must admire him a prodigy on the way to demonstrable genius. At both livestock stewardship and ministerial agronomy, and because on another talent, he did not flaunt himself as most every occupation proved easy for him to apply or ably demonstrate. That was as much due to his access to superior exemplars from the rustic damoi, the artisans congregant dense communities of active landfall workplaces of the laoi (the town and hamlet lowly). The acceptance of him as participant in the coastal Lelegans’ preoccupations fulfilled all the myriad talents of shipwrights, building constructors and integrated work lodges bestrewing staggered landfalls spotting the gulf rim shoreline. In a time of least population of Greeks, whereby supposed limits to the synergy of human applied energies with productive outputs of all kinds, to exceed at heightened economic productivity required consummate organizational aptitudes from the available manpower and manual skills of whole community; bossy women, know-it-all crone elders and talented, usually prematurely mature daughters of both the damoi and the laoi worked their Gulf landfalls “to the max.” To the maximum meant adroit handling of assignments efficiently at no waste of time or energy.  The great challenge of sovereignty was to meet a foremost criterion at highest assessment of standard organization, whereby the sorting out of a growing populace increasingly diversifying to engage towards multiple advanced productivities, all needing supportive practical education to affect the efficiencies expected of all of them in concert.

The branch royal Kekropids instilled their elite with a keen sense of coordinate enterprise, whereby their most talented underlings worked under male or female supervisors. Cephalos must master their delegations until proved anew the self-directed exemplars over the successive and respective short-lived generations of small and lowly artisanal practitioners. Alas, I cannot explore all their practical attainments, but I can place Cephalos as a necessary and nigh perfect practitioner hegemon, a prodigy by all teachings performed on students of lesser aptitudes for any learning taught to him as well. As the youngest by far of his generation of Kekropids, moreover, he was specifically rewarding of his senior kinsmen and mature  work leaders many times and ways over the turnings of his youngest years. Somehow the Kekropids let loose their underlings upon the brilliant  reigns of grandfather Kekrops, uncle Pandion, and all first cousin vice regents upon their own establishments at par with Herse’s leadership. He could team up with all of them as a happiest subordinate, or become masterfully  companionable at sharing in the coordination of human arts and skills applied variously  throughout the Saronic Gulf Rim Powers. He was like a rabbit’s foot to the whole coastal and inland strings of them, by working all task groups until deemed a harbinger of the best luck attainable by accommodating his society to their specialist needs. Which is finally to say how uncharacteristic of any  other Mycenaean Age regions below and above the Isthmus of Ephyrea already bringing the narrow maritime pinch of the Greek Peninsula to burgeon of prosperity and eastern awaiting civilized developments. For the Upper Isthmus of the region Ephyrea in particular, and the sharp corner of Eleusis Sound’s at its far west end made such an epicenter. Cephalos was brought up to appreciate intensively Eleusis Sound’s greatest possibilities of overseas and overland ambits at distribution of imported trades from overseas. Withal his many advantages of birth, as both a sacral Ward of Shrine and royal prince Kekropid and Attican, most all opportunities of import redistribution fell into his lap to control and orchestrate. From all the adults upon the overland ways and circuits came goods whose destinations were in reverse, for him to eventually steer the to longshoremen to whom he was entrusted exports distributing overseas by outbound mains and fareways of long cruises.

Forthwith More Plainly Said

Our second book about Cephalos introduces his four major capacities as an intermediary born to his branch royal family of the House of Erechtheus. The still unifying Atticans were at meld of their two north mainland chieftainates with the Lower Peninsula named Aktika, a cor homeland. Further to the adroit intermediary that he baecam was a concordat between his mother Herse and the much older uncle-Pandion, her brother. It rendered Eleusis an autonomous principality by matrilineal descents through her mother Metiadusa to herself. He preserved to himself, as a resigned (abdicated)High Chief perforce, the rights to vet claimants to his sovereignty upon any restoration of the branch royal Kekropids. He had earned such statue as a most successful sovereign over Attica for twelve years, from 1395 to 1383 BC. Paramount of stipulations was the prohibition against any son of Herse making claim of succession to Attica. And yet he was a prince of Attica because Herse was both high sister and a princess as the daughter of the Queen Consort Metiadusa.

They realm that Pandion had composed, even as a dethroned Medo or High Chieftain, composed the Aktikan Peninsula as attached the two vast north mainland agronomic commonwealths, Akte and Aktea,  whose plantation demesenes occupied  the rural MesoGaia below the buffering Eleutherais Woodlands that separated Kadmeis from them as anorthern border. The branch royal House was named after the first King of the Atticans, Kekrops, from whose descent six grandsons and the single royal and sacral daughter Herse. They are, therefore, the Kekropids of the Second Book’s title. Owing to grandmother Metiadusa and the royal wives who were severally Medai, or governesses over plantation commonwealths, the Kekropids  proved distinctly superior than  royal branches in remainder that composed the dynastic House of Erechtheus. Besides Kekrops, moreover, the Kekropids also had the proud distinction of their supreme sovereignty within their genealogy by Cephalos’ uncle Pandion, a father over four sons by his wife Pylia, a Meda or High Matron who ruled as Queen Consort for twelve years over Attica as both apparent and resident the high city Kekropia of Athens. Otherwise, though, the much older  brother than Herse, lived in Alkathoos with wife Pylia when he was not twelve years regnant as High Chief over the Atticans by appointment of a large matriarchal hierarchy of rural secular governesses; and by a senior council of patron chieftains whose clans had composed from earliest ever Aktika, the progenitive peninsula ruled ab origine by patron clans and commonwealths of Cretans, Levantines and Egyptians (perhaps only as colonists).

Such an interwoven patriarchy of illustrious forbears had rendered unanimous the successive appointments of Kekrops and Pandion, who duly had laid down precedents during the late Fifteenth century BC. Kekrops  blocked patron electors for their propensity to posture themselves oligarchs, because a former matriarchy of Aktika had their last queens subjugated to husbands off the patron clans. Bullies all by their fraternal compacts with each other, they’d been loath to share powers with a matriarchal primordial establishment. Offsetting their propensity to create juntas (my term fro their royal assertions), they failed to elevate their standings above their governesses  of hierarchic rankings of their  large plantation demesnes. Kekrops’ three brothers led by Metion failed at that objective behind their usurpation of Kekrops in his dotage years. That Attica worked well as a House (an expansive family economy or Oikos) had basis in a popular unity of tenant commonfolk high standings as hegemons. Such smaller local governances had fully coordinated the precedents which had nursed a highly outgoing maritime commerce. And yet it was wholly dependent upon the reliably huge yields of crop harvested surpluses, livestock culls and agricultural forestry (as cultivated coppice tracts of underwood). These regularly segregated yields  had been brought under royal ministries of the Kekropia, who negotiated their exchange of vital foreign imports at barter parities that determined the entire wealth of the nation race of Atticans. But here I must caution by preponderance of evidence that the essential maritime transactional process had made the prior matriarchal House of Aglauros and the House of Erechtheus since Erichthonios a sole remaining feudatory of Crete and its House of Minos. For while a never admitted fact of prior polity by the Ancient Greeks as lasting until Theseus’ accession in1353/52 BC, most all of the Rim Powers abutting the Isthmus and its south mainland principalities such as Troezen had also been loyalists to imperial Minoa. Crete’s maritime imperium or thalassocracy was owing to a triumvirate cartel during the entire Idyllic Age shared with Egypt and the fortress harbor cities of the Levant. That Age’s inception seems to have been from 1800 BC, ff., although feadatories had been slipping away after 1600 BC.

Because of the adamant denials of Attica’s feudatory status and its related subjection to tithings of her land commerce and trades, readers of these Bardot Blogs must be cautioned that a famous cataclysm of volcanic eruption of Thera in 1538 [but now approximated circa 1505 BC of date by overruling Egyptologists). It had broken the original cartel into autonomous merchant marines. Crete remained the only imperial thalassocracy despite the drowning of so much war navy, until 1450 BC when Argives (mostly Tirynthians) off the south mainland Greek Peninsula and Arzawans/Ahhiyawans of southwest Anatolia conquered Crete and invested entirely their homeland populations through various manners of investiture. Of the many Late Palace Era populaces which inhabited “palace metropols,”  they were made riddance of by 1400 BC. The immigrant investors almost engendered an obliteration of the  Era by full palace abandonments, but four generations of strong and able Minoses sustained a resurgence of both war navies and palatial suburbs. Evidence of strong comebacks derived from the intermarriages of Cretans and Argives in particular. The several Minoses and their euryanassas (empresses) remained Cretans of pure blood lines, although they accepted the Argives of the Argolid Peninsula as high of pedigree of new Creto-Mycenaean land occupations. The fourth generation succession of the Minos Lykastos would prove the second to last thalassakrator. After his immense popularity of reign, his dynasty relapsed nonetheless, until the sacking of Knossos which accredited King Theseus in 1352 as a liberator of all the Saronic Gulf Rim Powers.

Thus Cephalos was born to understand that Eleusis remained a highest respected sanctuary and sacral principality (sic). Actually a Sacred League of oldest offshore and littoral realms maintained Eleusis and Aegina Island as protected by an amphictyony with other other matriarchal realms still extant while under the Minos Lykastos and his daughter-in-law Pasiphaia. He knew his grandmother and mother to revere their supremacies greatly, while still accepting graciously the very light tithes of feudatory assessments imposed. A relief long lasting by Lykastos in most personal sense of the highest regard for the league matriarchs or queen consorts born Creto-Mycenaean, that concession would vanish away in late 1371 when the Minos Lykastos died. The then ascension of a so-called Great Minos — actually he’s the famously classic King Minos II of Classical Greek Mythology — even father Deion respected, albeit at stiff arms length. For otherwise he was himself by strongest martial affiliation to the House of Kadmos as a defender of Eleusis and other memebrs of the Sacred League (Amphictyony).

Excuse me, herefore, that I’ve been overly didactic by this review of my serialiation.

Book Two also begins importantly with a contemporary circumstance ensuing the prosperous aftermath of the Second Restoration of the Kekropids. Upon the widower king Aigeus’ return from the Oracle of Parnassos, having been rendered there answers to his petitions, Cephalos had slipped away from Attica to make sojourn of Pagasai Bay and its Magnesian port of Iolkos. There he took up harborside lodging to condition himself into the trials-of-bridal that might win him brief consortship with the hereditary princess of Magnesia. He’d made a voyage around Point Sounion and cruised north along East Bay Attica until further passage of the Strait of Abantis. As he was cruising past Brauron Cove, moreover, he had drawn close to a parapet upon which stood a lovely maiden postulant by orders of the Sanctuary of the Dawn just inland. Radiantly aglow by the arisen sunrise, her awakening had her rapt a remembrance of dream by the might she’d just passed. He had not seen her stance ahead of his bow until she loomed quite suddenly as most imposing above him upon a parapet. Then the pleasure of her gaze above, as sudden as his joy to espy her, had rendered least distance between them.  Unbeknown to him, but an told epiphany to herself, he was the promise of her eventual great love to be attained, but not until the sufferance of many years of abstinence. For her tutelary goddess was the Titaness of the Dawn, Eos, who exacted the Maiden’s fullest preoccupation otherwise over the years that would elapse until the promise of Cephalos to her might become divinely realized. Unconsciously Cephalos easily intuited by their encounter of gazes that her sighting was profound for his own sake. We must understand, therefore, that he thought most pleasing her any compensation of his failure as a consort aspirant of the Princess of Magnesia.
Brauron Parch 1383     Accordingly, I’ve opened the Second Book with a continuing mythic saga begun at the very end of Book One Prelude. About Skia, the sentinel priestess postulant was best fated to become famous as herself otherwise. Born the Maiden Heiress and daughter-of-Eioneda, Meda over the  homeland Aphidnai Plantations of farthest East Attica, at her age twelve her parents had taken good counsel from Cephalos’ father Deion. He’d been convinced that Skia might be early manifest a graced child by a tutelary divinity. She herself  had exulted herself  so to her own father, citing the special form of immanence that the primordial titanesses of Greece’s Idyllic Age rarely chose for a  lifetime of mortal incarnation. Even if very rarely exploited, the Ancient Greeks held Baruron tutelary under the Titaness Eos, that she was the Cretan Goddess of the Dawn, conceived by Titaness Blue Sky and Titan Hyperion Helios — (the Sun was first revered and dually named in father-son fashion). And yet the Classical Greek mythogrpahers held ageless the silence of their disbelief in Skia as anyhow an immortal deity’s incarnation.  Their belief was a female rape of man story thrust: that Eos fell passionately in love with Cephalos, whereby she grabbed him perforce for herself and  a rare long life in retreat from which he just barely escaped. That Skia could perform for Eos with consummate mortal grace could never be accepted. In Book Five I have realized for Skia the promise of her Titaness, that her mortal lover would prove the son of Deion, the counselor of her parents by whom she’d been directed to alife of hallowed services to Brauron.

Book One had introduced Skia at twelve years old, but the Second Book has had her at Brauron at well past her fourteen years of age. Her fullest divine prospects, still in processes to become discovered beyond Book Three, has her achieved of first actualization(s). They had become astounding early, by her sixteenth year of life; she’ become a highest attained sister postulant of Brauron’s sanctuary colleges of high sisterhoods by the Second Book’s ending chapters. For we learn that Skia had arrived Brauron during a protracted extreme drought. Her first feats had mitigated the  drought and solved another considerable parch three years afterwards. In between, to everybody’s astonishment, there’d been two years of rainfall inundation. Skia having just barely mitigated the first drought, she had amply anticipated and implemented all deliverances from extreme flooding of Brauron’s fertile bottom land alluvia. Thereby, as well, full mitigation of any next drought which again would visit Brauron Basin as depicted above.  Upon such introductory outcomes for Skia, Book Two in main parts is about Cephalos as a consort aspirant for a Magnesian princess in great need of a prince charming to save her from wholly different plights from Skia’s.

Dissecting the Mythic Fragments about Cephalos:
Why their Expunction or their Remodification:

Book Two serves proofs against the Ancient Greeks’ creation of two separate mythic personages named Cephalos. Both lived the Late Aegean Bronze Age’s final centuries of an Idyllic Era. There lifetimes, however, were not coincident in time, a generation and a half, say 50 years, by birthdays apart. They were consciously born of two different Herses, two uncle-Pandions and they shared  grandfathers of the name Kekrops who were likewise of lives apart, the older generation Cephalos descended from a legendary dynast . Book Two render properly moot instead that the sole son of mother Herse was the daughter of a fabled Kekrops who had married into the matriarchal House of Aglauros to become a first king. A rare patriarchal dynasty effected a demise Aglaurids whose husbands spurned female dynastuc House. The matriarchal genealogy by the grandfather Kekrops was benign as a male-female co-regency, but the rest of the lineage had husbands of Aglaurids were intergenerationally contentious successions. The royal princesses were abused, disempowered or embarrassed. Daughter Herse was famously trysted against her will, as overpowered by the woo of the Olympian God Hermes, rendering  Cephalos a patriarchal demi-god by an Olympian aegis/blessing upon a coital union. That legendary boy duly grew up to become the husband of Klymene, a daughter of Minyas, the eponymous founder of mostly forgotten dynasty; located upon the High Plains as the vast Peinios River Basin of several carved tributaries by other names. Such was the watershed supplemented by Mount Parnassos and the Magnesian Coastal Range that the floor reticulated as an irrigated river system of many lakes, surface gullies and subsurface flowing aquifers. The Basin or High Plains ranged west to east as what I call the Low, Lake and Upper Midlands, withal a vast valley floor of well managed irrigation before the Great Kingdom was created by conquests of the 16th and 15th century BC Minyans.

By this myth of Cephalos’ legendary parentage, by the way, Herse had given him away to a princess Diomeda of Thessaly who married the powerful Deion son-of-Aeolus, to become one of Aiakos’ famous warlords called the Strategoi, or martials-at-field. Deion marshalled vanguard reconquests which liberated conquered Aeolians while repulsing Minyans who had invaded into the Midlands which later became Boeotia. Aiakos’ Great Kingdom of Aeoleis & Minya had him an excellent supremacy over rearguard reinforcement and consolidation of the regions that became Pththiotis and Thessalia(-y). The fallacy of this fabled Attican dynasty lay in its assertions that several Olympian Deities played aboriginal roles. That makes quite easy the conclusion that the Attican House of Aglauros retained its important sacral majesty even as the one Kekrops and one Pandion of Early Greek Mythology yielded Kerkopids who could only retard the eclipses of matriarchy from the early 14th centurey BC to the end of the Era of Helen at late in the 13th century BC.

Our Cephalos, by contrast, renders  just as  we’ve introduced him to be, a ward of his mother’s sanctuary of Eleusis, but under the protection of  his uncle-Pandion, his mother Herse his grandmother Metiadusa and grandfather Kekrops his status was that of a prince within the fold of the House of Erechtheus. He became explicit by them a prominent young suitor by his father as well, because a daunting martial-at-field in behalf of Aiakos born of Aegina. Guided as likely he was by deft arrangements of his prospective bride’s royal guardians, he brought his popularity along many landfalls of the west coast Aegean.  His branch royal relations added to his considerable esteem by land stewardships neighboring Eleusis’ Thriasian Plain, that even a highest assessments of the greater House of Erechtheus over all the Atticans unified by common agricultural demesne of the inland MesoGaia. Concerted efforts of high matron governesses abroad the Isthmua and Gulf Attica, his overseen prodigious gifts bolstered his consort aspirations even at age 15 years old attained of highest stewardsghips. All, therefore, about his worthiness to an heiress of a resurgent Kingdom, a maiden orphaned of her mother and repressed by a weakling father, a former consort king to a late queen over Magnesia.

Obscure as that prospective bride’s Magnesia was under Minyan regime, the princess’ possibilities of a grand nascence, from a state of oppressed subjugation, earned her the support and grants of the Great King Aiakos over successful reconquests which had recently restored her to her maternal legacies by a hierarchy of Matriarchates of indigenous Aeolians and restored Aeolidans after the surrenders of Minyans. The abrupt rub-out of prior Minyan conquests of realms, all besides Magnesia, was greatly owed to his father Deion’s Light Foot troops at nimble vanguard campaigning. Those mass deployments stood ahead of several companion warlords, the Strategoi or martials-at-field at battle sets which orchestrated heavy troops of former Midlanders . So, accordingly, resulted the many battle sets at four years of deepest penetrations northward, to finally clear the High Plains and the Rivers of the Peneios Basin of later Thessaly. Cephalos was too young to have any kind of native or indigenous affiliation with the confiliated restored realms by Aiakos’ reconquests. But he arrived as  virtually a spokesmen for all the great men who had stood valorous at warfare in partnership with Aegina and young Aiakos.

Cephalos Series, rotator image 5Accordingly, one plotted theme of Book Two is how the prehistory of that Great Kingdom of Aiakos was spearheaded by the Attican Kekropids, whereby Cephalos under best Fates bestowed him accomplished an exemplary restitution of Magnesia as a long prior Minyan conquests to the fallen matriarch Hebe, whereby most promising prospective rebuilding of realm for the Princess bride who he won from her trials-at-bridal inland of port Iolkos and the abroad the low High Plains ruled from Pherai.  By attribution the Kekropids nurtured but did not fight at resurgence of Aiakos’ mother Aegina, by leaving her appointed Strategoi to pounded out the heaviest warfare required of repulsing Minyans from their many vicious incursions. The mother of the bride, Hebe, had died of wedlock perforce imposed upon her, but Aiakos made sure that the orphaned Maiden Heiress and princess could achieve beyond the meager potential of her weakling father. Cephalos’ mother Herse had also set up the several opportunities for Cephalos, mostly wroughjt alliances, afterwards the trials-of-bridal yielded him forthright as the winning consort aspirant. Uniquely, moreover, the consortship which Cephalos attained as a Kekropid matched his wardship by Sanctuary Eleusis. For his bride was a ward as well under a principality called Haemonia, a small and poorly attained maritime realm, whose custody by her father and guardian was appointed by Aiakos in part to his many masterful restorations.

To say of Magnesia’s best conceived prospects, its Pagasai Bay and dominance  over the Upper Strait of Abantis (Euboea) offered  great maritime wealth and influence by the rich and yet petty royal dominions who’d enjoyed no accessibility to the Aegean Sea.  His won opportunity of the Princess was meant  to extend East Bay Attica as though at most natural  meld of its coastal length of the Aegean might also undertake the coastal landfalls along the entire length of the Strait of Abantis. The latter expansion of Attican and Aeolian coastal landfalls afforded small north mainland ports to the new Great Kingdom and  Magnesia as they both ranged westward from Phthia under Aiakos  and from the ideal Bay of Pagasai for eastern seafaring overseas to Anatolia. The effect of such a localized mercantile hegemony, itself shared by many inland dominions and demesnes, would prove exemplary by adroit replication of  Cephalos’ homeland Eleusis Sound, the Isthmus upon the Saronic Gulf, and a league or amphictyony, (inclusing Aiakos’ birthplace Oinope Island (the refuge of his mother Aegina from Minyan conquests). The entire linear gamut of landfalls along the Strait bypassed Kadmeis, a high kingdom which might have impeded best maritime developments obtainable by a fulfilling maritime ambit.

Admittedly, an accurate projection of all the oldest geography, wherein the above elements and all else of Book Two’s atlas of times and places, has taken much obscure research. I think I attain for lay readers some mastery over the organizational complexities of an entirely novel maritime corridor for the north mainland Greek Peninsula. That, after all, is what the New Greek Mythology can also be about — the orchestrations of complexities within places and times that many they royal entities shared with each other for a first time. The various entanglements shed their difficulties, and become clear assimilation by readers, because my hero Cephalos proved so consummate and catalytic as an intermediary awhile his late boyhood and most accomplished teenage.  In spite of how little can be rigorously known about Cephalos’ earliest progressions, the very fact of his Saronic Gulf beginnings and an east coast Aegean lifetime involvement until his age 33 years old, tells him a marvel within the considerable ascendancy which a lingering Idyllic Age afforded his fellowship of Kekropids. Whether the High Professoriats shall prove agreeable, or not, Cephalos was mostly Eleusinian and Attican prodigy along a maritime periphery of their academic Mycenaean Age, all other sovereign powers and ethnicities so much more significant by what a young man’s ascendancy as naval genius attained for them without being anyway Mycenaean himself..

Let me repeat, therefore, with further emphasis: The Mycenaean Age into which Cephalos was born was in severe decline as a south mainland Greek Peninsula’s nascent civilization. Almost nothing  became of the Argives as well-shed of the Late Minoan imperial period of maritime Crete Island by 1400 BC. Great Argos of the Argives and their nation race upon the Argolid Peninsula became isolated under twain ruling dynasties, each suffering respective downfalls oncoming near ahead as the 14th century BC would evelop them. By plummet of so many  heads of state who were ruling from Mukenai (“Mycenae” by latinized Greek), the Greeks who composed the House of Perseus and Andromed were proving a smallest part of all earliest Greeks graduated from the ethnic indigenes of the south mainland Greek Peninsula. All that Cephalos need ever have known about them in his boyhood was that they were mostly illumimated as scattered Perseids. Cephalos lived his youth wholly uninvolved with any of them before 1362 BC.   Only subsequently did his later , or second lifetime of new opportunities, entwine him in the successive Great Wanakes (Chiefs-of-Chiefs) and their ascendant brethren Great Princes and Great Princesses. By then, moreover, a mostly reduced Great Argos was long past the legendary and admittedly great Inachus River Valley since the Argive establishments until 1550 BC,ff. Whatever he got to know about them, moreover, derived from far past hindsights of Cephalos’ greatest friend by much later lifetime, through Amphitryon, the sire of the superhero Herakles who was born to Thebes even as a foremost claimant Great Prince over piedmont Great Argos. No wonder, then, that Cephalos at meagerest outsets into and through the glorious years of the Saronic Gulf’s many maritime ascendancies outclassed so much that had fallen to meager by the Mycenaean Age’s relegation of main populace Argives/Mycenaeans to depredation of foreign shores and quash of their potential as domesticated denizens of Great Argos.

No wonder, either, that mother Herse sought avenuesof esacape of Cephalos by his brief acquittal of a consortship as attained his middle teenage years. He had become too much at the middle of what was happening for Attica and for the Kekropids spotted the lowest shores of the north mainland Greek Peninsula, a bit too popular among the Rim Powers, and having brought upon himself notoriety while briefly at service to another plummet, that of the Late Minoans awhile the dotage years of their long reigning Minos Lykastos, Herse had arranged new vistas for him. We can discuss his next ascendancy as a detailed record of accomplishments, his virtual sabbatical from the Sarong Gulf of just over two years brought him back home in good steading, and thereby the resumption of his naval career under regent custodian Aigeus, to meaningful assertions of naval power and capacity to override various corruptive forces which would visit his later lifetime beyond 1360 BC.