A New Publishing Venture of Bardot Books: Releases of Cephalos Ward of Eleusis in eBook, a 1st content review of a Serialization

This autumn has brought me many unexpected Facebook Friends’ requests, despite their great majority cannot be knowledgeable about myself as a prehistorian, or a scholar publisher of rediscoveries of mostly lost pasts of the earliest Greeks. Few of these new friends, none of whom I’ve declined, know how three major ethnicities evolved separately from distinctly primordial pre-Hellenes. I assume them keen to know how they would  evolve from distinct aboriginal immigrants or refugee populaces drawn to the Greek Peninsula, to resettle themselves until indigenous within its long cherished Idyllic Age. They were each strictly oral at communication, and at first  pastoral nomads who displaced hunter gatherers.  While they became able herders of livestock by their wanderings they were named Pelasgians, a name that stuck for all north mainland denizens. Herodotus, an historian of Ancient Greece, and born to Anatolia across from the Greek Peninsula, explained how they converged as a silent people at two continents apart, and yet always very close  by encounters while sea crossings of mains from each other and with Cretans who we’ve dubbed Minoans. The Greeks then became called Pelasgiotes (Pel-ASS-gee-OHT-ayss] by the Anatolians, because their propensity was to trespass, harass and enslave inhabitants of the subcontinent. Herodotus somehow knew, moreover, that his earliest Asiatic antecedents had to have been of such a same aboriginal nation race, or genos, as the Greeks. His own were precisely called Arzawans, whose wandering diffusion ceased upon its populating the southern corner of Anatolia, with Rhodes Island settled offshore as a sentinal outlook northward over the Anatolian Corridor, while an important entrepot to receive seafarers running the Levantine Corridor at navigating export commerce as overseen by proto-Semites and sponsoring Egyptians at mostly unstudied forays of exploration.

Withal else  to say, Herodotus himself was as “Helladic” as the indigenous Pelasgians had become, because his seaside of such forbears had hugged the eastern Anatolian shoreline in active communication with another entirely unknown race, neither aboriginal or indigenous as ever ascertained purely native, that was identified with Crete Island. It lay west below their White Sea at north of “the Great Green,” as the Mediterranean Sea was earliest ever called by Egyptians and themselves. Whoever that insular race had first composed from, they’d adopted the oldest Greek language of then maritime prevalence, dubbed proto-Indo-European as earier prevailing off the southernmost mainland of Eurasia. Later termed Luvvian, a dialect of speech  became best formed and evolved from some strictly exotic Eurasian origin, even if its offshore Cretan speakers soon greatly surpassed all else of aboriginals that remained strictly land lubbers. They forsake any Levantine languages antecedant the Eastern Mediterranean coastline, such as they were pluralistically as undefined proto-Semites or Indus-Asiatic speakers. They could converse in Egyptian as spoken upon the heartland delta of the Nile River and along the massive shoulder of North Africa that formed the Great Green’s littoral. Those Cretan Islanders drew their civilization off the advancements of the Near East, the first known Orient of Asia. Quick learners because a bright maritime nation race, they brought off the south mainlands above Crete Island their own oldest Greek, to make a highly communicative civilization which later mainlanders knew primordially as “civilized.” The Greek Peninsula and  subcontinental Anatolia were acculturated by the Islanders, and then socialized by them in a manner that had them dubbed Minoans by 1800 BC. For Crete Island was becoming by then climatically idyllic to easy human existence and development, thus also  without need of agriculture propagation of  readily harvested vegetative crops.

Mind you, even the earliest Greeks from the incubation of Pre-Hellenes completely forgot their Idyllic Age. Somehow Ovid, a Roman of Latin Classical Mythology, bespoke a Mother Muse Mnemosyne, whom we must never forget is a name that means cumulative perfect memory of a purely divine kind. Accordingly, I skip over the rest of such primordial preambulation to state that the forms of pre-Hellenes became sufficient by melds to become fluent with each other as Oldest Greek maritime speakers. They fused altogether as earliest Greeks despite that were often hostile and trespassing upon each other for all times onward. Crete Islanders found ample room to evolve with the west mainland pre-Hellenes, while also nurturing eastern Anatolians  at their strong anchoring footholds upon west coastal Asia. For Anatolian at the very least endures exactly as that. Three ethnicities fused as fluent speaking Oldest Greeks, therefore, from whom the Cretans advanced under idyllic conditions of easy living until become evangelistic of their cross-seas mainlanders apart. Without need to do so, moreover, they adopted the agriculture of Nilotis awhile the Egyptians’ whole millennia at becoming wholly dependent upon an agronomy enabled by the Nile River. Cretans whom that nation race called Keptiuns, were Greeks who readily intercommunicated over a long era of Eastern Mediterranean nascent civilization.

Where Our First eBook Began

I have skipped over much of the Idyllic Age to proceed hereon. During the Fifteenth century BC, northern Eurasians proved most active and hard suffering by chill climate change off highest northern latitudes of their continent. Herodotus generalized these Eurasians notionally as Minyans, although scholars insist they belonged to the numerous languages evolving from proto-Indo-European which Academia knows mostly from Sanskrit of a primordial Indus civilization. The Minyans conquered docile Idyllic Age southerners to the east as far as the Iberian Peninsula, before all such Caucasians were compelled to shed their inherent violence for the sake of the especially well-settled women living the long peninsulas that thrust far down and into the Great Green. Those women were governesses of vast plantations that required little toil, but much of diverse expertise that their valued tenancies multiply applied, either to their cultivated landscapes of tillage or to livestock husbandry practiced at a quasi-industrial scale. Those governesses and their tenanted diversities were still immersed the Idyllic Age of interglacial climate warming of Great Mother Earth, howsoever manifestly cooling she was as well. That’s why they made a happy work of mating with earliest Minyans who could stave off all later chilled Eurasians bent upon violent incursions. The best known Minyans never got anywhere near Crete Island, or the Southland of the Greek Peninsula or the Arzawa of the Anatol. North mainland Eurasians always, they became somewhat oddly parochialized as Aeolidans, i.e., foremost descendants of Pelasgians as become named, then Aeolians on account of a newest introduced equestrian culture out of Albania and Azerbaijan. Until finally they, newly called Minyans, had become adoptive of a special breed of warhorse which enabled their most rampant conquests of the Greek Peninsula by Fifteenth century BC. They were altogether of a fourth major ethnicity of sub-Balkan Peninsula pre-Hellenes. The Minoan inculcated southern governesses easily made manly Greeks out of them by instilling those last intrusive horsetamers with  their hedonistic Minoan Civilization, despite the considerable confusion which that stodgy academic term-of-art has caused our any understandings of a closing Idyllic Age whose memory by the Greeks became obliterated.

There would thereon and subsequently be constant turmoil within the Idyllic Age as southerly and maritime; but only because of encroaching interglacial climate change had compelled all pre-Hellenic agronomy to become hardened by tilth and husbandry thjat could withstand blighting freezes. Next centuries’ blighting chills could cause total crop failures and other starvation upon the pre-Hellenes who wouldn’t cope with them. By the time that they could cope quite readily with harsh wintertime of reliably withering blights upon their agriculture, they had become most veritably Greeks. Once that was prevalently, the hardy maritime people of our five books produced a single paragon from among them their best born progeny by matriarchs and their tamed patriarchs. He began as the child  Cephalos son-of-Herse by the siring of Deion of Dauleis. Herse was a typically strong woman off the Idyllic Age, which she alone remembered because of her mental gifts of memory. Everything had come easily again for her mother Metiadusa and herself. Her father Kekrops lived long as a protective co-regent, but he was usurped by his brothers after Herse was born. Her much older brother Pandion restored his royal house and patron clan superiority, but he, too, was unthroned, and as well by his own patron clan of many rural families composing a dynastic House of Erechtheus. Herse remained typical of her mother’s easy going matriarchal land tenure. She led a hierarchy of rural matron governesses called Medai, who finally had to seek recourse of newest best men, the Esthloi, to become their Consort Home Protectors (Medoi). Deion, just such, became her protective mate for a Great Year of 100 Solar Months (8 1/4 years as a modern calculation of that duration). Amiably a strong man, a brilliant champion-at-Foot both Heavy and Light , he taught his fellowship of warrior counterparts what composed a manhood at unhorsing of Minyan equestrians and charioteers. After pummeling them into the ground of Great Mother Earth, such men as he’d replicated were happily disposed to their women by their Great Goddess over all south peninsula pre-Hellenes, called the Mycenaeans, whom Aacdemia prematurely founded fallaciously as some kind of paramount and imperial Greek ethnicity.

The Finality of the Greek Idyllic Age

The Idyllic Age begun with the coalescence of the pre-Hellenes from 2100 to 1600 BC  must wane from 1600 to 1200 BC by the Fates whom they deemed themselves bounded by. As it ended over the latter duration, Bronze Age Helladic Civilization of early, middle and late phase Eras successively elapsed, even if afterwards 1200 BC there was an interlude of many and considerable diffusions that preceded the Iron Age become fulsome as resettled newly and variously after 1000 BC and during the 11th century. The paramount child aforementioned, the hero of our saga of five books composing most of the Late Helladic Age’s zenith of the greater Late Aegean Bronze Age becomes a life at attestation of an Era in part “Late” as well by the dynasty of Attica, the House of Erechtheus which he served, lived and thrived within as his Saronic Gulf years. The second eBook, whose cover displays to the left, covers that earliest lifetime with which he proved a prodigy at land stewardship while a genius at the navarchy of merchant and war navies that supplanted Imperial Minoa until the full eclipse of its thalassocracy (sea empire). I ask my readers of both my eBooks, once a their separate full releases to reading publics, to accept that my New Greek Mythology is an evolution of my own lifetime. All that I’ve written into this posting of a Bardot Blog is composition of prehistory by decomposition of Classical Greek Mythology whose oblique renderings of earliest Ancient Greek Mythography are uniformly fantastical. The proof of that has been my lifetime as a classical scholar who has had to unlearn all that was once deemed solidly prehistorical about the Late Aegean Bronze Age of the Bardot Group’s cited pre-Hellenes in promordial trinity. That was also an unlearning of not much; the prehistory of the earliest Greeks thereby formed barely composed 35 pages of a standard text of Ancient Greek History, If it was German it might have taken 45 pages. If it was English or American, however, such a textbook was barely worth study, because Academia deemed all that it had to teach the most solid understanding of many great bronze ages as were possible to be learned in any rigorous fashion.

That has changed, however, as prehistory has steadily become more robust, more multidisciplinary and more readily imaginable such as the New Greek Mythology can render the Late Aegean bronze Age.

A Heroic Intermediary and Last Patriarch: His Saronic gulf rim years

Cephalos, born in 1389 BC as a consistently reliable date now inifinitely tested and reexamined, is a victim of expunction by the what literate Antiquity conveys of him through rediscovery. The date also implies that he was at the very heart and heartland of maritime earliest Greece, at a founding, in fact, of the Second Great Era of Oared Vessels. His warships evolved as serviceable naval warfare and the transport of warrior personal, as all billets of seafarers therefore once defined of their passenger rosters.

How does he reasonably reemerges as a mythic personage from a mostly lost past? How may he be considered paramount if a victim of expunction? How does the New Greek Mythology achieve a modern fictitious biography which renders reasonable the two lifetimes such as he lived them? I sketch the answers out through robust reinterpretations of Classical Greek Mythology, which is also to say about Ancient Greek mythography since the Greek alphabet was created and dissemin-ated in the Eighth century BC. For Early Greek Mythology, such as the New Mythology recreates is by definition wholly fictional. I explain why by the following Translator’s Prologue that’s frontispiece for all five books of my first serialization of Cephalos’ lifetime.

“First then be known to lay readers, the writ of oldest times past, whenever developed through a literary master, made no distinction whatsoever between fiction and non-fiction. They are but terms of art for our modern trade book literature of the commercial mainstream kind. Now that modern times have most of our academic presses taking that distinction so far to extreme that anything of our deepest pasts must be a non-fiction release to the reading public, we no longer dare cite the convention of our first fathers of history, that formal and fictional expository prose, by way and by intent and by means of teaching young people, has to be recitative about their earliest forbears’ pasts.

“What I put before any readers who are entirely unfamiliar with Antiquity, or before our oldest aged readers who can’t remember most of what was taught them or learned by themselves, is proto-history. It is, by definition, academic expository fiction, because it is without the eclecticism of our academic tract releases, or the esoterica that delights the modern inner elites at our most erudite disciplines. Prehistory, after all else said, is what editors and publishers call “a conceit,” a feat of daring by a presumptuous author who attempts to meld prehistoric non-fiction with fictional mythology, whereby the totality of oldest times past is brought to a voice in recital that’s both academic and novelistic by conventional forms of compositional art.”

Explaining my contemporary Master-of-Writ, Mentor son-of-Alkimos:

“Mentör’s writ reflects his pride to have known intimately the highest and best personages of his own lifetime; to have recorded their information via dictation or by keen remembrance of what those luminaries said about their sovereign affairs. He’s all about an ancient voice of the first ever bardic recitals. In his later lifetime that pride became of his ability to sleuth out the leading personages and their host regions of the century prior to his own, the 14th century BC.

“The Translator prefers to express Mentör’s contemporary voice at length, but he also redacts or reverts to explanatory commentary. There is such a need of a translator’s arts, to have a third person and modern voice for some particulars that induce sound understanding. Notwithstanding such tactically placed discussions, the translation is in idiomatic English as drawn from centuries of translation of Homeric and oldest Lyric Age Greek.

“Which means, alas, that we begin with seven, near to eight centuries before any of that Greek that still survives! So, then, by expressing Mentor as a composer in the Oldest Greek script ever, the real “conceit” of his Translator is to have both him and Early Greek Mythology at first authorship of prehistoric non-fiction. His composition will remain, nevertheless, academic expository fiction.

The First Book:

Herse as Graced by the Owl of Athena

BOOK ONE: PRELUDE TO A NAVAL GENIUSAcademia has adhered to the Pre-Classical Tradition of Historiography is the only valid Ancient Greek History that can be taught  in our elementary and secondary schools. It also means that all prehistorical biographies of popular mythic personages are valid even if their lifetimes were influenced by the Olympian Pantheon of occasional tutelary deities who guided or drove mortal lifetimes to illustriousness. Cohabitation of goddesses with mortals  to procreate demi-gods a/o demi-goddesses were commonplace by lore even if no longer believed so by Ancient Greeks who contrived their biographies. Literary analyses of mythic personages includes sculpture and art where deities of the Pantheon are clearly immanent in the lives of their favored mortals. One reason why Cephalos was expunged from Classical Greek Mythology as though unmentionable relates to the Athenian superhero Theseus, a much lesser man but a much greater mythic personage, nonetheless, because he was deemed a child of Poseidon, or duly sired by that Aigeus  and that god upon the eager lap of the mortal priestess Aethra. The Ancient Athenians wouldn’t tolerate any near rival to their national hero of Attica, because had once ruled as a king-of-kings above any born to Attica.

Accordingly, the Olympian Pantheon can present a clutter of divine attributes and powers to its member deities by way gifts that they give away to their favorite mortals. Because Cephalos was highly favored by Athena, albeit much less so than her greatest mortal love, his great godson Odysseus son-of-Laertes, his grace by her was powerfully mental, by implants of strategic genius that he was largely unaware of. And yet it was very correct that Cephalos could mate with a Titaness, Eos the Sidereal Dawn, without any need for her to compose her physiognomy to a gentleness that had him coital of a passion for her that should have crushed his bones to bone meal upon her climax by his couching of her. I’ve had to accept  as a rule or law for such cohabitation, to wit, that she needed a mortal incarnation, a human  surrogate to inhabit for her lifetime. No way else, I must accept,  that a female’s ardor could attain a celestial climax wherewith the satiation of two mortals so perfectly compatible at their nigh every nocturnal mating beyond the Dusk.

Eos’ decision to take mortal incarnation was due to Cephalos’ father Deion, a champion-at-arms and an especially effective Martial-At -Foot, who was best befitting the late century 15th BC. Minyans off the North Rim Sea were constantly at incursions of most advanced equestrian warfare, having overrun and displaced many ethnicities of earliest Greeks who had been their forerunners. Upon his marriage to Herse, 1390, and almost as soon as they’d conceived Cephalos, the various consort home protectors, medoi or high chiefs, appointed him their Chief of Wardens. Most of them were marriedod to coastal matriarchs whose dominions of governance were upon the fertile MesoGaia that makes and inland belt from Aphidnai farthest east, over and down westwardly therefrom, to Sikyon and Aigialaia along the south shore of the Great Gulf “inland sea.” Having proved himself a Minyan Killer, by butchery of their finest breed of horses as well, Deioon had attained especially well despite last reverses Minyans upon the new 14th century BC which were forfeited away due to the ineptness of High King Laios of Kadmeis (later Thebes). Upon becoming the Chief of Wardens, however, he resumed his record of Minyan defeats, even as his marriage was failing for Herse’s seeming barrenness after Cephalos was born. He had to move on and away, and he did so by becoming a liege of young Aiakos (most often spelled Aeacus) to deliver reconquests which reversed Minyan tides of settlement all the way up to future Thessalia. The Minyans sued for peace as a nation race, and the subsequent surrender allowed the High Kingdom of Minya in part to a confederation of reconquests which raised Aiakos to Great King of Aeoleis & Minya, by way to a final imperium which also “confiliated” north mainland petty kingdoms that later composed Boeotia (caused 80 years after the Trojan War by displaced Thessalians driven out from the North Plains by the refugee Thesprotians).

Aiakos stands in proof against the absurdity of an Age that the Academy has insisted to have been Mycenaean upon Schleimann’s discovery of Mukenai upon the Great Argive Plain. At the time of Aiakos’ nascent great kingdom and north mainland imperium, the Argives as a nation race was in severe decline, owing to decline of the Perseid Dynasty over Argolis since 1500 BC, and to rub out of the branch royal Elektryonids by a famous sea raid in 1394. Beside the Argive failings, even as offset by Cretans conquests of the Proitid Dynasty whose Argives ruled over the Tirynthians of the Argolid Peninsula, Pelops was conquering the Westlands, the petty kingdoms of the west coastal Southland, that had long withstood the Argives except as their piratical marauders.

This is all by way of review of the circumstances to years immediately before Cephalos’ birth in 1389. If there was anything left of a Mycenaean Age it was about to be resurrected by Aiakos over the early Greeks of the north mainland Greek Peninsula. But any ideas about an Era of Aiakos, or Pelasgian Empire & Age never achieved any implementation. Rather, the real potential of the Earliest Greeks were to become of an ascendancy of the Saronic Gulf Rim Powers in 1362 BC. That regional identity composed from an arm of the Argolid Peninsula, the entire Isthmus of Ephyrea populated by earliest Corinthians and Megarites, and all interiors littoral to the  north mainland Attica below the Eleutherais Woodlands. Without their coalescence of cooperative naval powers, by both war navies and merchant marines, the tenuous imperial hold upon those mainland populaces by imperial Crete would never have happened. In fact, they were denied by the Ancient Greeks forever afterwards the final oblivion of Minoan Crete Island in 1354. Why? Because the Ancient Ages Athenians never admitted that they were feudatories under vasselage to the House of Minos over the Cretans. As they were, or course, by a preponderance of evidence that all other Greeks could apply in refutation of a so-called Era of Theseus as an Athenian superhero alike Herakles became for all Greeks after the Late Aegean Bronze Age was over (at some still undefined Dark Age date or duration within the Iron Age which preceded Greek historical Antiquity.

These are highly pregnant assertions, all of which underlie Cephalos Ward of Eleusis: Prelude to a Naval Genius. And as they play out for its readers, few as they are so far, I shall be proving how the New Greek Mythology postures fictional proto-history that far exceeds any alternative pedagogy at the teaching and knowledges that attend any assimilation of the Late Aegean Bronze Age.

A next Bardot Books posting shall extend the realizations of my assertions through the same first book, and by the two others that strike an ascendancy by the coming-of-age of  father Deion and Cephalos, together and apart successively by their orchestrations of the branch royal Attican House of the Kekropids over the Atticans.

Ancillary Parallel Developments

Just before the estrangement of his parents Herse and Deion in the 1380s of Cephalos small boyhood, four distinct developments would by forceful combination affect a rapid ascendancy of the Saronic Gulf Rim Powers. The first was the death of High King Labdakos over Kadmeis, the quasi-imperial precursor to Thebes of Ancient Greek History. He had bribed uncle-Pandion, the much older brother of his mother Herse, to accept an expansion of Attica to include the low country that generally characterizes west coastal terrain upon the Strait of Abantis. Such territory was shared by Kadmeis and Attica, but the division between was the extensive Eleutherais Woodlands that reared from the eastern coastal edge all the way to just above the Great Gulf that was the western inland waterway the cleave the Greek Peninsula into two mainland division. Pandion refused the bribe on the grounds that he was going to be suckered into a land possession that he could not hold in the face of Labdakos’ imperial intentions. The High King then orchestrated a usurpation of Pandion — at the end of twelve years of successful and popular sovereignty over Attic in main parts — by his three brothers, Metion at lead. That deposition succeeded, although Pandion remained of highest stature as the consort home protector and husband of Pylia, a regional governess over Alkathoos (later Megaris) which footed the Isthmus of Ephyrea ( a whole region) to the north mainland as contiguous to Eleusis, Cephalos birthplace. Before he died, moreover, Labdakos built “a March,”  meaning a fully possessed right of way from high city Kadmeia, through Plateia to the corner of Eleusis Sound at exactly where Alakathoos and the Sanctuary of Eleusis made common corner of its outlet into the Saronic Gulf. But then Labdakos died in the mid-1380s, and there was an onrush of a Minyan incursion to swipe the Lake Midlands of Kadmeis hastily away. His successor and son Laios proved inept to repulse the Minyans despite strong strategic options that he could have effected. Then Laios died, however, and there was a remarriage of his young teenage wife Iokaste to a bastard son, Oedipus, whom Laios had conceived with a priestess by way of proofs to his father Labdakos that he wasn’t an overt homosexual, as he was. Oedipus courted Iokaste by a unque trial-at-bridal to wed her, and he did so as the adopted son of a regent Polybos and his sacral wife Periboea over Sikyon, which locates upon the south shore of the Great Gulf as contiguous to the Lower Isthmus of Ephyrea.

[Please note furthermore about this development, that the varying geography alludes to very tight conveniences of locations by all borderlands near Kadmeis, as implied by what I’ve sketchily introduced of distinct eventualities per se. Also note that Oedipus was not the natural son of Iokaste by Laios, such as Ancient Greek Tragedy alleges most famously of her remarriage through the foremost dramatist Sophocles — a very unreliable prehistorian about strong neighbors to his homeland of Attica, most of which he regarded as impediments to the hegemony of Athens which she was aspiring towards in the 5th century BC.]

The second major development was the coalition that Aegina built, once a foremost governess over the Aionians of Kadmeis but become refugee from her lands under conquest of Minyans. Her son was the future most famous Aiakos (Aeacus in romanized Greek), whose imperial future she aspired to through oaths taken by formidable martials-at-field that placed them in fealty to him. Those ablest war leaders, five in number, were called the strategoi, a later Greek word for “general” but meaning here a designated specialist over a force level under an appointed and unifying supreme commander. It had taken until Aiakos’ fifteenth birthday for Aegina to cut loose their specific wields of force, 1385,ff., at a grand plan of reconquests of territory under Minyan subjugation. Deion, become available at the end of his term of hallowed consortship with Herse, led all vanguard of both light and heavy Foot, Two strategoi were martials of Horse at chariotry, and the last two were specialists at mobile force of Horse, including all tactical maneuvers of rearguard reinforcement. Aiakos proved from the get-go  a consummate logistician at every accomodation of Force Aiakos in whole. It took five campaign years to affect the entire plan of reconquest, whereas the fifth was actually spent at Aiakos’ earned surrender from the Minyans that he become their great king in return for their patriation to the North Plains of the Peinios River Basin of many rivers at reticulation. That geography, which would later compose Thessalia of Central Greece, came into the name of High Kingdom of Minya, at equality with High Kingdom Aeoleis by all eastern north mainland possessions below the Sperchios River that runs through Phthiotis [(p)HEET-hoht-iss] as pronounced by Oldest Greek as Early Aeolic Dialect. Needless to say, this development was the beginning of a new Pelasgian or North Mainland great kingdom that would greatly exceed imperial Argolis as dubbed Mycenaean.

The third development was the nascence of the Westlands of the Southland awhile the conquests and consolidations of Pelops after his uncle Pleisthenes died as named and entitled Polyxeinos. The original invasion of those great men was a crossing of of the Aegeans Sea by Maionians of Anatolia who were bent upon redress and harsh vengeance against predator Argives belonging to the branch royal house to the Perseid Dynasty and House of Perseus & Andromeda. Once Force Maionia became singularly Force Pelops by the 14th century BC’s beginning decade, sustained reinforcement by Levantines of the Eastern Mediterranean and by Cretans under the Minos Lykastos thalassokrator had all the accomplished Westlands a league of petty kingdoms which Pelops converted to sustained expansions without violation of the vast tribal lands of the South Highlanders. In fact, he’d even created a symbiosis between the Highlanders and himself at the economics of vast grain surpluses which the south alpine Greek Peninsula yields without any cultivated agronomy whatsoever during these times of the late and yet still Idyllic Age of Eurasia.

The fourth development came just after the third, upon the death of the Minos Lykastos in 1371 BC,  whereupon the corruption of the Cretan highest  peerage under his successor, the Great Prince and entitled Minotaur over his father’s Minoan Thalassocracy (a sea empire spanning all archipelagoes around the Greek Peninsula). That successor would become the King Minos II of the Ancient Greeks’ invented prehistory during the Lyric Age, 850 to 500 BC, and Classical Age, 500 BC,ff. His wield of his father’s declining war navies would become infamous for despoliation of imperial feudatories wherever they were most prosperous and subjected to a cartel of merchant magnates out of the Levant, the Nile Delta of the Egyptians and Crete Island & Archipelagoes. Such a defined imperial hegemony, please understand, reflected Crete’s major losses of territorial possessions upon the Greek Peninsula and Anatolia during the Early and Middle Minoan Periods that equate with those Helladic by mainland full developments of earliest pre-Hellenes.

Cephalos Series, rotator image 4

The image discloses the geography attendant to this posting from its beginning to end. The colored terrain from top to bottom depicts in hues blue-green the south end littorals of Aiakos’ Great Kingdom of Aeoleis & Minya; the High Kingdom of Kadmeis and the Great Gulf (of Korinth), in hues of saffron; in ruddy hues the Rim Powers of the Saronic Gulf; and, finally, in lavender hues what remained of imperial Argolis at lowest point within “the Mycenaean Age.”

In closing this long posting, I would add to the Bardot Blodg a fifth development because of its slowly developing consequences to Attica after the Second Restoration of the Kekropids, effected by Pandion by the seating of his stepson Aigeus [AYE-gee-oss] by wife Pylia of Alkathoos as Regent Custodian of the Erechtheid Dynasty over the House of Erechtheus,  so declared in the 1380s BC by Attica’s first King Kekrops son-of-Erechtheus (but also by an almost lost, much bedimmed Cretan dialect of the name Erichthonios). The importance of the Second Restoration I severally assert here. Upon the budding ascendancy of Aigeus he suffered much of woes, becoming twice a widower when his wives Meta and Chalkiope died and he still a Regent Custodian because neither wife had delivered him an heir which would have entitled him the King of the Atticans, whose unity of three precursor vice-regencies would make the nation race fully sovereign of territory as, in fact, Attica. When Cephalos was nine years old, he was a witness to Aigeus progress to the Oracle of Parnassos at Delphi of Phokis where he sought affirmation that he would marry and have a son and heir. In the further course of that itinerary in progress, Aigeus would fall in love with Medeia (lat., Medea). She confessed the collapse of her marriage to Jason and the soon necessity that she would have to flee from Ephyrea, the region over which she held governance by the matriarchal theocratic title of Supreme Sister of the AcroKorinth, (which was the high city of the Isthmians a/o Ephyreans).

Upon the return progress of Aigeus’s itinerary, having met Medeia as halted by a great storm which broke a three year drought, he was storm tossed again, at crossing of the Saronic Gulf, and barely escaped to the dry land of Troezen, an Argive principality and feudatory upon the west coastal arm of the Saronic Gulf. There he would meet King Pittheus and his priestess postulant daughter Aithra. She would bed Aigeus most ardently, vigorously and frequently to become impregnated by the end of the sojourn. By her would be delivered Theseus as the son assured Aigeus, but as so born under violation of his sire at disobedience to the Oracle of Parnassos. For the intent of the Sibyl at prophecy projected the eventuality of Medeia flight from Ephyrea to Attica in supplication of Aigeus at the high city Kekropia of Athens. There she became his mistress and finally his wife-wit-child, by Aigeus siring of Theseus as a supposed misbegotten heir to the Kingdom of Attica. For in the course of all events now told, Medeia’ deliverance of Medeios as their son and heir presumptive occurred the fulfillment of the prophecy which Delphi had assured to Aigeus. His wayside trysting of Aithra, at ultimate scorn of Medeia’s selfless assistance to her husband’s fortunes both wayfarer from storm and  King of Attica, would have long term repercussions as the fall of the Kekropids as the preferred rulers of Attica.

for the Bardot Group