Brauron After Parch 1375

Brauron 1368 to 1365The depiction is comprehensive of consistent bounty and burgeon throughout Brauron during the 1370s, or over their years preceding the settlements of the Inlet and Cove by Cephalos’ shipwrights, crews and longshoremen from 1372 to 1369.

The upper half of the depiction conveys the year by year articulation of the central wetlands depression, or Brauron Basin proper. Clearly it is drying out along its verges and thereby serving Skia opportunities to consolidate elevations of lands of tilth to more orderly means of springtome flood control and mitigation of inundations howsoever recurring. She allowed some marshlands a/o wetlands to become permanent, although she planted them in varietals of beans, a crop that thrived in mucky soils as they dried out during summertime. Observe that a lagoon was created above Sandy Strand as a controlling standing water dammed by a sluice of flood control to prevent washouts owing to extreme inundations. The entirety of Bruaron Basin should be understood as a vast drying sink after the solstices of every years, until late autumn months just before winter. The dryout period allowed man-made improvements combined by earth movements that allowed Skia’s laborers to exploit Aurochs, oxen and bullocks at assistance of them. Muxch of such summertime activity was heavy maintenance and upkeep of prior years man-made constructs and finalized earth movements.

Brauron After Parch 1375The lower left side quadrant depicts the varying stages of tilth that made layouts for sectional tillage of a southwestern orientation. These rejuvenated croplands yield staggered bounties of fresh produce for export to needful neighboring planatation demesnes which had been far less successful that Brauron under Skia’s imposed regimes, Accordingly, 1375 is just a year epitomizing Brauron as a “bread basket” capable of feeding all of Attica, whatever the shortfalls besides by Gulf Attic and the rest of East Bay Attica.

The lower right side shows the attained high quality of agronomy under establishment upon the higher elevations of coastal Brauron and Rhapthë. Accordingly, Brauron became extremely attractive to Cephalos as a place to both build shipworks and then conceal their operations by shipwrights and other constructors of very large oared vessels. He caused his boon friends and foremost adjutants to prospect Brauron Cove and Inlet for ideal settlement of whole families of seafarers. He had much else to preoccupy him from 1375 to late 1372, but his land based command over an Attican coast guard compelled him to share in his shipwrights invention of a new class of great oared vessel, the Triakonter, Unwitting of Skia and her activities, Cephalos and his boon friends and shore commandants were regularly amazed, even astounded, that the sororal college plantations had been rendered and managed to most suitably provide for an extensive coastal community of seafarers. Recalling to readers that the earliest Greeks greatly feared coastal settlement as too vulnerable to periodic piracy, Cephalos prepared the High Sisters and Sister Elders to accept his safeguards of the sororal colleges by populating coastline East Bay Attica. His conceived operations were inherent to making over the Cove as a safest venue of major ship building operations, all of which, of course, would prove a barrier against all incursions of scourge off the sea.

All of his painstaking solicitations notwithstanding, he never had any means to knowing about Skia, or about her brilliant contributions to renderjng Brauron so amenable to his greatest naval ambitions.