BB’20.5:Brauron Slideshow

Readers regular to our serialization of five books about Cephalos know him brought by his Fates to the embracing arms of Eos the Goddess of the Dawn. Greek Classical Mythology has him stolen away to Syria, where the Goddess also known as Maiden Daughter Day was supposed to reside. Her brother was the sun god Helios Hyperion, who charged forth behind her ascents of sunrises to over reach by midday his summit apogee of daytime. Her abrupt abduction of Cephalos, told by Classical myth to have been ”the handsomest man of his generation of mankind,” was deemed a deliciously salacious act of most torrid lust. It was deemed heinous, too. Eos’ “rape” prompted the extreme jealousy of his wife Prokris, who could not accept the dominance of the Titaness at render her supposed husband for a lifetime utterly forfeit for the rest if his natural life.

Early Greek Mythology attests “theosophically” and very differently: Recitals, or rhapsodies about the true origination of Cephalos’ storied capture, begotten of the intellectual honesty inherent all Oldest Greek myths and fables, became the opera by the Great Oral Tradition of Pre-Hellenes and earliest Greeks. Its era spans from 1625 to 123o BC as most precisely bracketed. Writing the New Greek Mythology for the Bardot Group of Scholars of Antiquity, has been the passion of my pseudonymous self, S W Bardot. The Group aroused me with their version of Eos love-making doings through a famous myth owed to his recited father Deion. He’d been from 1390 to 1381 a Chief of Wardens, or “keepers at defense,” while up against 15th century incursions constant by Minyans at investitures of the north mainland Greek Peninsula. Greeks, or foremost pre-Hellenes as they still were at 1400 BC, had supported unanimously Deion as both champion and martial-at-field, a keeper of the northern regions already ancient as the tiers of Midlands broadly configured above the Saronic Gulf. That inland enclosed water was encircled by the Argolid Peninsula, the Isthmus of Ephyrëa and Gulf and Low Peninsula Attica.

He had not only rebuffed the Minyans from well before 1400 BC, but he’d saved the heritage culture of both sacral and petty royal matriarchates—all preHellenic petty royal dominions aggregating to petty kingdoms (basilëai). Their primordial order spread across the Mesogaia of Alkathöos, Eleusis and Attica, as governances of “First Estate.” Some were secular as matrilineal inheritance of an elite and highest ancestral womanhood whose primary era was cited by Hesiods as the second great age of creation of mortals. The MesoGaia, or “Middle Earth,” also included the Isthmus, once known as the region of Ephyrëa and comprising much later Ancient Corinth and Megara (Korinthos and Megaris in Oldest Greek). Father Deion’s most important protectorate petty realms involved the dominion of holy orders called the Sanctuary of the Dawn: It located north mainland East Bay Attica as several sororal colleges surrounding Brauron Basin.

Cephalos, as our series of books states titularly was a child born to Eleusis Sanctuary. His mother was its Supreme Sister by a governance of name/title Diomeda. Likely it was the most intellectual of all the many shrine principalities, but did not stage highest religious holy orders such as Delphi and Olympia Plain most definitely did as the sanctuary Oracles of (Mount) Parnassos and Olympia (Plain). The Sanctuary of then Dawn was founded by Cretans of especially strong geniuses for primeval agronomy. It never should have been the cause of major and famous myth about Cephalos’ youth and his Saronic Gulf years particular to his earliest lifetime until he became thirty years of age. During that span of years he was made clearly evidential by his services to his two tutelary deities, the Goddess Athena having become most inspirational of his branch royal family of Kekropids—even as still subservient to the greater dynasty of the House of Erechtheus.

Introducing the Future Panantaxia of Brauron

Eos had fallen in love with Deion as a champion of the esta lishmentarian First Estate; but she could not ever have him her lover. So she waited patiently for Cephalos’ proper time for wedlock to herself through the special nurture of her self-incarnation, as a mortal born baby, “Skia of Aphidnai.” By embodying herself for a long lasting mortal life, Aphidnai Plantations became her home. It was a great grassland reserves of the transhumant Lapithoi at cattle herding uplands of the Eleutherais Woodlands. Otherwise Aphidnai’s grasslands included Marathon Plain situating just interior to the small Sea of Myrtoa, in part to the multi-partitioned Aegean Sea of oldest name places. Eos’ name of final remembrance was Skia, daughter of Eioneda and Tricorythos, and her Fates were all alone to herself, as the Panataxia of Brauron Sanctuary, a name/title achieved at her age of thirty years old, in 1364 BC.

It’s important to know that she knew Cephalos was promised to her since her age seventeen, but she would not have him to hold and love until that year so cited.

Her parents’ first and only born child, thus blessedly a daughter born to become her mother’s maiden heiress, Eioneda’s vast heritage lands became a self-indulgence of Eos to practice a new mortal life upon. Skia accorded by manifesting early that she was gifted with special knowledges to tame and govern land by divine inspiration. She was a very shy little girl and precious. Given to most authorititive pronouncements to her mother’s underlings of longstanding tenancies. Eos appeared to her in slumber to hike her high aloft and beside her own standing upon a chariot conveying the Urn of Morning Dew, warm seasons, and of Sparkling Fost, over chilly months, of a thirteen month long Lunar Year. Observing the face of Earth below, Helios illuminating all the states-of-art of humankind just behind her chariot’s coursing, wherever and whatever revealed by laborers appeared as daily strivings beneath Eos and Skia. For Eos was earliest a deity of omni-observance, immortalized as such, but also greatly frustrated at communicating her keen knowledges of most important human activities and pre-occupations. She was, accordingly, an astounding teacher of all toilers of Earth, helpful in as many ways as she could invent, but through Skia she could be immenant upon the face of Earth herself.

What passed mundanely below, became instructive Living Dreams. Vouchsafed to her gifted Skia, they were perfectly memorable and meticulously instructive to whomever would listen to her small girl’s voice of shy self-confidence. Her gift caused greatest upset of her mother Eioneda, because her obvious brilliance dashed all her maternal hopes for Aphidnai’s perpetuity, through, of course, Skia’s obvious abilities of highest governance and ingenious land stewardship. In the course of Deion’s warden duties, her husband Tricorythos comforted Eioneda while making a best friend of Deion, Aphidnai’s border warden and frequent visitor. The two friends finally agreed that the family must make pilgrimage for Skia to the Sanctuary of the Dawn, there to seek close counsel of the High Sisters and Sister Elders, both supreme over Brauron’s sororal colleges. For they knew all the divine gifts bestowed unto mortals, and they would fathom Skia’s gift for exactly what it was. Not that they could explain adequately what a Dream Clairvoyant was all about; it just seemed that Skia couldn’t convince anybody, despite her best instructions of nigh miraculous improvements to Aphidnai. Skia’s brilliance was a huge problem of implementation.

Introducing Brauron’s Holy Orders of High Sisterhood

Mother Eioneda became greatly upset all over again and more so upon observing the Sanctuary of the Dawn by trekking down to Brauron Basin’s north verges. after a period of devastating drought, three years long including their winters, it seemed that all the north mainland seemed was withering away. Its varying populace of novices, postulants, tenants, drovers and orchard keepers appeared starvelings, and even the governing sisters and sister elders conveyed themselves lean and haggard. That most impressive leanness of everybody, to bear up so well the ravages of blighting drought impressed father Trocorythos and good guide Deion. Both men could appreciate the core strength which the Goddess Daughter Day imbued her most devoted. It all had to be very good for little Skia.

For that was what she was at age twelve, even if the hostesses of the Sanctuary immediately knew that Skia was as their tutelary Goddess herself. Despite the rarity of her divine immanence by indulgent appearances, ever since the founding of Brauron by Cretan seafarers, “from before the Idyllic Age,” Skia proved bedazzling. What confounded them, though, was Skia’s bold attestation of her gift of Living Dreams, whereby “her goddess” manifest herself “between my sleeps and awakenings, just on the verge of slumber and daytime awareness again.” By what she indulged mortals to know about, by her coursings aloft the heavens above, whatever was best for humankind to know was revealed as Eos’ best human offerings from earth, heaven and sea. Such as was revealed by all or each, moreover, her gifted incarnation Skia could teach them methods and means assuring exact outcomes promised. For the merit of means would always assure the finest outcomes possible upon implementation of told projects to completions.

Actually as first encountered, Skia could say means, instruct of methods, but she was painfully shy, thus disappointing at declaring outcomes. And yet all of the Aphidnai high sisters could attest immediately of marvels become of Skia’s any instruction. For they had the special grace of reception of taught divine implementation and last results therefrom divinely promised. Skia simply had no powers of prediction whatsoever; she was not mantic of divine gift and she would never become so. The High Sisters asked Skia to sojourn with them for two months so that they could have a clearest examination of what her promise and providence might shape out to finally become. Declaring complete faith in their diagnoses, with Deion serving support of Eioneda’s and Tricorythos’ patient acquiescence, that invited sojourn would confirm or not their daughter’s immanence to become of foremost of their holy orders — with complete certainty that she would prove “All Worthy.” For that’s what panantaxia means in Ancient Greek. That to say of wholly practical reckonings of their utterly utilitarian theosophy of Brauron’s holy orders, Skia would be asked to stay two years at Brauron, a term of probation and further matriculation of her gift of Living Dreams. Only then, afterwards a final reckoning, would she take holy orders among their sororities, or sororal colleges.

What those two months revealed of Skia’s taught prognostications, and how they became to advanced works-in-process over two years of obedience to her dictates, begins a progression of visual attestations that complete this Bardot Blog. While they all depiction of Brauron have appeared in Black and White renditions within our books, what twelve year old Skia wrought from 1383 to 1381 BC told the High Sister the much greater impact by all geomorphological changes until 1360 BC. Accordingly, some of our images need to become colorized decpictions, which follow.

Explication is afforded each image presented in our slide show panel by